
The first version of the programme was published on June 1st, 2023

Please use this QR code to access the programme app: 


The app is also available via this link:

Please note that bookmarks are specific to your device: you may want to plan your individual congress programme using the mobile device you will use while attending the congress. Bookmarks depend on you using the app, they are stored in cookies on your device.

Please check for programme updates regularly!

The app contains a lot of useful information (see Information in the app). You will be able to find info on

  •          kosher, vegan, and vegetarian food options
  •          information on how to get to campus
  •          locations and times for the events and lectures
  •          information about our sponsors and partners


The congress will begin with the opening ceremony on Sunday, July 16th, 16:00 (GMT +1) and end on Thursday, July 20th, 18:30.

They keynote speaker at the opening is Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (OCHS, EPHE), the second keynote on Wednesday afternoon will be delivered by Richard I. Cohen (Hebrew University) and David B. Ruderman (University of Pennsylvania).

The only events before the opening will be Digital Jewish Studies classes organized by the Digital Forum of the EAJS.

The congress will take place in persona only, it is not a hybrid congress.

We are looking forward to welcoming all participants to the congress!